A candidate for admission to the Master in Dental Surgery course, must possess a recognized degree of Bachelor in Dental Surgery awarded by a university or institute in India and registered with the State Dental Council and has obtained provisional or permanent registration and has undergone compulsory rotatory internship of a year in an approved/recognized dental college:
Provided that in the case of a foreign national, the following procedure shall be followed:-
The Council may, on payment of the prescribed fee for registration, grant temporary registration for the duration of the post-graduate training restricted to the dental college/institution to which he or she is admitted for the time being exclusively for post-graduate studies:
Provided further that temporary registration to such foreign national shall be subject to the condition that such person is duly registered as medical practitioner in his/her own country from which he/she has obtained his/her basics dental qualification and that his/her degree is recognized by the corresponding state dental council or concerned authority.
Selection Process
There shall be a uniform NEET for admission to the post-graduate dental courses in each academic year conducted in the manner, as prescribed by the National Board of Examination or any other authority appointed by the Central Government in this behalf. The overall superintendence, direction and control of the NEET shall vest with the Council.
Fee Structure
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Application Form
Period of Training
The period of training for the award of the MDS course shall be of three years duration for three academic years as full time candidates including the period of examination
The following requirements shall be fulfilled by the candidate to become eligible for the final Examination.
Part-I: Shall consist of one paper
There shall be a theory examination in the Basic Sciences at the end of 1st year of course. The question papers shall be set and evaluated by the concerned Department/Specialty. The candidates shall have to secure a minimum of 50% in the Basic Sciences and shall have to pass the Part-I examination at least six months prior to the final (Part-II) examination.
Part-II: Shall consist of three papers, namely:
A candidate, who wishes to study in a second specialty, shall have to undergo the full course of three years duration in that specialty.